Figure 3.
Scanning electron micrographs of (A) B. thuringiensis, (B) P. mosselii, (C) S. meliloti, and (D) A. chroococcum strain grown without NPs, B. thuringiensis strain grown with 1000 μg mL–1 each of (E, F) Ag-NPs and (G, H) ZnO-NPs, P. mosselii strain grown with 500 μg mL–1 each of (I, J) Ag-NPs and (K, L) ZnO-NPs, S. meliloti strain grown with 250 μg mL–1 each of (M, N) Ag-NPs and (O, P) ZnO-NPs, and A. chroococcum strain grown with 500 μg mL–1 each of (Q, R) Ag-NPs and (S, T) ZnO-NPs added to the NB culture medium.