Fig. 4.
Serum levels of a insulin, b leptin, and c adiponectin over time. Serum cytokine levels at 28 weeks of age for d IFN-γ, e MCP-1, f TNF-α, g PGE2, h IL-1β, i IL-6, j IL-10, and k IL-17. #p < 0.05, mice treated with HFD vs. mice treated with control diet within a specific time point. Two-way ANOVA within the same sex followed by Fisher’s LSD post hoc. NS, interaction term not significant (> 0.05). #p < 0.05, diet effect. Groups not sharing the same letter are significantly different, p < 0.05. The number (n) of the mice used in each group is indicated on plots. Data presented as mean ± SEM