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. 2020 Apr 15;20:164. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02569-1

Table 3.

SCOPE: factor structure and refinement

Original Item No. New Item No.1 Statement Original Factor2 Rasch Refinement
Optimism PSelf-Worth3
7 I do not feel suicidal when I receive bad news X Removed due to dependency with items 6, 21 & 25
17 I do not feel helpless X Removed due to over discrimination misfit
25 If I were depressed I would not think about harming myself X Removed due to dependency with items 6, 7 & 21
18 O1 If I worry about things I sleep OK a Remains in Factor 1
13 I do not feel fed up X Removed due to over discrimination misfit
16 I enjoy everything X Removed due to under discrimination misfit
6 I do not think about harming myself X Removed due to dependency with items 7, 21 & 25
21 O2 I do not think about how I can end my life a Rescoring suggests dichotomy. Remains in Factor 1
5 O3 If I were on remand I would not feel stressed out a Remains in Factor 1
24 O4 I feel like there is hope in my life a Remains in Factor 1
23 O5 I can think straight when I am depressed a Remains in Factor 1
8 O6 I feel fine about coming into this establishment a Remains in Factor 1
14 O7 I think that everyone likes me a Remains in Factor 1
11 O8 If I am nervous I do not lose my appetite a Remains in Factor 1
1 O9 I do not feel lonely in my room on my own a Remains in Factor 1
19 O10 If I were depressed I would talk to someone a 0 Originally in Factor 2, loads and fits with Factor 1
4 I will speak to an officer when I have a problem X Removed due to dependency with item 3
10 P1 When arrested I would say I was sorry a Remains in Factor 2
3 P2 If I were feeling suicidal I would speak to someone a Remains in Factor 2
15 P3 The day before I was due to appear in court I would think about the future a Remains in Factor 2
27 P4 I always turn up in court a Remains in Factor 2
9 If I had been arrested I would try and get in contact with my family X Removed due to dependency with item 20
2 P5 If I had a job I would not commit crime a Remains in Factor 2
12 P6 If I stole money for drugs I would feel like I had let myself down a Remains in Factor 2
22 P7 If I had a fight with a prisoner I would ask to see the governor a Remains in Factor 2
20 P8 My family support me a Rescoring suggests dichotomy. Remains in Factor 2
26 P9 If I had a supportive family I would not kill myself a Rescoring suggests dichotomy. Remains in Factor 2

1 New item numbering presented by factor structure o = optimism on factor one and p = protective self-worth on factor two

2 X = item removed from dataset, a = Item remains in original factor, 0 = Item switched from one factor to another

3 PSelf Worth = Protective Self-Worth