Figure 1.
Genetically informed regression model for neighborhood safety perceptions (and neighborhood income) and multisystem physiological risk. Shared environmental components are constrained to 1.0 for monozygotic (MZ) and all dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs. Additive genetic components are constrained to 1.0 for MZ and 0.5 for all DZ twin pairs. NS1 = Twin 1 neighborhood safety; PR1 = Twin 1 physiological risk; NS2 = Twin 2 neighborhood safety; PR2 = Twin 2 physiological risk; ENS1 = Twin 1 unique environmental component of neighborhood safety; CNS1 = Twin 1 shared environmental component of neighborhood safety; ANS1 = Twin 1 additive genetic component of neighborhood safety; ENS2 = Twin 2 unique environmental component of neighborhood safety; CNS2 = Twin 2 shared environmental component of neighborhood safety; ANS2 = Twin 2 additive genetic component of neighborhood safety. Correlations among all covariates were estimated, but not all are presented here for clarity of presentation.