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. 2020 Apr 16;2020(4):CD013581. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013581

Yakhno 2006.

Methods RCT; double‐blind, double‐dummy; multicentre
Follow‐up time: 7 days
Participants Population: 220 participants, sex not mentioned. Mean age (SD): (i) 39.3 (9.1); (ii) 40.3 (9.7)
Setting: 6 centres in Russia
Inclusion criteria: age 18 to 55 years, nonspecific acute LBP, duration ≤ 5 days, pain score ≥ 5 on 11‐point NRS, requiring medical treatment
Exclusion criteria: pregnant or breastfeeding women; previous episode of LBP within the last 6 months; specific spinal pathology or symptoms related to other pathologies; intake of analgesics ≤ 3 hrs preceding inclusion; intake of antiepileptics, antidepressants, barbiturates, anxiolytics, or muscle relaxants ≤ 24 hrs preceding inclusion; scheduled daily intake of one of the above medications; concomitant treatment with anticoagulants or platelet‐aggregation inhibitors; contraindication or allergy to study drugs; alcohol/drug abuse/dependency; episodes of GI disorders, oedema, dizziness, headache; history of aspirin‐induced asthma
Interventions NSAIDs (i): lornoxicam on day 1: 16 mg once a day and 8 mg once a day; day 2 to 7: 8 mg b.i.d.; 7 days (N = 110) + matching (diclofenac‐like) placebo
 NSAIDs (ii): diclofenac‐k on day 1: 100 mg once a day and 50 mg once a day; day 2 to 7: 50 mg b.i.d.; 7 days (N = 110) + matching (lornoxicam‐like) placebo
Outcomes Sum of pain intensity differences from baseline on day 1 to 6 (SE); (i, N = 109) 4.2 (0.17); (ii, N = 110) 3.8 (0.17); (i) significantly lower than (ii) P < 0.05
Adverse events (no of participants, %): (i) 27 participants (24.5%), 1 withdrew; (ii) 28 participants (25.5%), 1 withdrew
Funding Study was supported by an unrestricted grant from Nycomed, manufacturer of lornoxicam.
Notes Inadequate dosage of diclofenac‐k (50 mg b.i.d. instead of t.i.d.)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Computer‐generated randomisation schedule
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk A computer‐generated randomisation schedule assigned treatments in equal ratio to sequential participants. Participants were assigned to the next consecutive participant number in a sequential ascending order.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ participants Low risk Double‐blind, double‐dummy
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ careproviders Low risk Double‐blind, double‐dummy
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ outcome assessors Low risk Double‐blind, double‐dummy
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ dropouts Low risk Low dropout rate: 1.4% (3/220)
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes ‐ ITT analysis Low risk ITT analysis performed
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Study protocol registration not mentioned
Similarity at baseline characteristics Low risk Baseline characteristics similar
Co‐interventions avoided or similar Unclear risk Paracetamol (acetaminophen) was allowed as rescue medication.
Compliance acceptable Unclear risk Not mentioned
Timing outcome assessments similar Low risk Timing similar
Other bias Low risk None