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. 2012 Jan 9;97(2):147–172. doi: 10.1042/BC20040058

Table 1.

General characteristics of the virus families included in this reviewIIV‐6, invertebrate iridescent virus 6; FV‐3, frog virus 3; VZV, varicella zoster virus; YFV, yellow fever virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhoea virus; RVFV, Rift valley fever virus; IBV, infectious bronchitis virus; BEV, equine torovirus; MHV, mouse hepatitis virus; EAV, equine arteritis virus; PRRSV, porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus; ds, double‐stranded; ss, single‐stranded; S, M and L denote small, medium and large respectively.

Virus family (number of members in parentheses) Representative viruses Associated diseases Genome structure Number of proteins Virion structure Replication site Assembly site
Poxviridae (>100) Vaccinia* Variola encephalitis smallpox dsDNA (130–375 kbp) 150–300 (∼100 in virions) enveloped, brick‐shaped (>300 nm) predominantly cytoplasmic (RER‐associated) cytoplasmic membranes
Asfarviridae (1) ASFV* severe illness in pigs dsDNA (170–190 kbp) ∼150 (∼50 in virions) enveloped, icosahedral (175–215 nm) nuclear and cytoplasmic cytoplasmic membranes
Iridoviridae (>20) IIV‐6* FV‐3 infections in aquatic animals dsDNA (140–303 kbp) >100 (∼36 in virions) enveloped, icosahedral (120–350 nm) nuclear cytoplasmic
Herpesviridae (>130) HHV‐1* VZV congenital disease, genital infections chicken pox dsDNA (125–>240 kbp) 70–>200 (>30 in virions) enveloped, icosahedral, capsid (125 nm) nuclear nuclear and cytoplasmic
Togaviridae (25) SINV* RUBV* encephalitis polyarthritis, congenital rubella syndrome ssRNA+(9–11.8 kb) 7–8 (3–4 in virions) enveloped, icosahedral (70 nm) lysosomes endosomes cytoplasmic Golgi (RUBV)
Flaviviridae (∼80) YFV* HCV* BVDV* encephalitis hepatitis haemorrhagic fevers ssRNA+(9.6–11.3 kb) 9–12 (3–4 in virions) enveloped, icosahedral (50 nm) cytoplasmic membranes RER
Bunyaviridae (>350) BUNV* RVFV* Hantaan* haemorrhagic fevers, encephalitis 3 ssRNA− (S=0.9–2.9 kb M=3.6–4.8 kb L=6.4–12.2 kb) 6 (4 in virions) enveloped, spherical (80–120 nm) cytoplasmic membranes Golgi
Coronaviridae (∼18) IBV* BEV* MHV gastroenteritis hepatitis respiratory infections ssRNA+(27.6–31 kb) 7–10 (4–5 in virions) enveloped, spherical isometric capsid (120–160 nm) autophagosomes pre‐Golgi
Arteriviridae (4) EAV* PRRSV respiratory disease, abortion, haemorrhagic fever ssRNA+(12.7–15.7 kb) 8–9 (6–7 in virions) enveloped, spherical isometric capsid (45–60 nm) cytoplasmic double membranes Golgi

Type species