Table 1.
. Peptidases and subtrates * The peptidase cleaves peptides in which the open circle represents (one of) the mentioned amino acids. The closed circle can be any amino acid. The cleaved bond is represented by ‘ −: ’. Peptidases: ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme; APA, aminopeptidase A; APN, aminopeptidase N; APP, aminopeptidase P; CPN, carboxypeptidase N; DPP IV, dipeptidyl(amino)peptidase IV; NEP, neprilysin. Substrates: BK, bradykinin; ANF, atrial no uretic factor; BLP, bombesin‐like peptides; ET–1, enothelin‐1; fMLP, formyl‐metheonyl‐leucyl‐phenylalanine; IL, interleukin; NKA, neukonin A; NPY, neuropenptide Y; SP, substance P; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide.