Table 2.
Summary of Targeting Recommendations for 37°C Systems
Parameter |
Recommendation |
Comments |
CG range |
40%‐60% |
At lower GC, affinity may be too low to inhibit processes; higher GC favors nonspecific binding of subsequences. |
G content |
Up to 36% G |
Higher G causes loss of water solubility; avoid upper end of acceptable range, if possible. |
Self‐complementarity |
16 contiguous H‐bonds maximum |
For intermolecular (complementary palindrome) and intramolecular (stem loop) binding. Example: AGCGCT has 16 H‐bonds (2+3+3+3+3+2 = 16). Check for non‐Watson‐Crick G‐T pairing, which can participate in self‐complementarities. |
Consecutive G |
3 consecutive Gs maximum |
Runs of ≥4 G can associate through Hoogsteen bonding to form oligo tetramers. |
Oligo length |
25 bases or shorter by only a few bases |
Using shorter oligos can decrease the chance of off‐target interaction for high CG oligos. |
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