Fig 1.
Kaplan-Meier MM survival probability versus years with number at risk. (A) 1. Familial and early-onset BAP1WT MM (median survival, 9 years; 10-year survival, 41%); 2. Familial and early-onset BAP1+/- MM (median survival, 5 years; 10-year survival, 15%); 3. SEER, stage I (median survival, 11 months; 10-year survival, 9.2%); 4. SEER, all stages (median survival, 8 months; 10-year survival, 3.3%). (B) Familial MM cohort by onset: 1. age < 50 years (median survival, 10 years; 10-year survival, 41%); 2. age ≥ 50 years (median survival, 4 years; 10-year survival, 15%). Rows below figure indicate the number of patients alive in each cohort per year. All patients were treated in the United States. Because patients in our cohort and in the SEER cohort were treated at different institutions, we do not have information on the exact treatment each of them received. BAP1+/-, heterozygous BAP1-inactivating mutations; BAP1WT, wild-type BAP1; MM, malignant mesothelioma.