CPEB1 is involved in miR‐320a decreased growth and migration in osteosarcoma cells. A, Tumors formed in nude mice. The U2OS cells transfected with CPEB1 siRNA and its control were subcutaneously injected into eight nude mice. B, The volumes of formed tumors were determined. C, Tumors and the bodies were weighted and are shown as tumor weight (TW)/ body weight (BW). D, Representative mRNA level of CPEB1 in tumor tissues. E, Scatter graph of tumor weight and each dot represents the tumor weight of each mouse. F, 143B and U2OS cells were cotransfected with miR‐320a mimics and its negative control (NC), miR‐320a mimics plus the empty vector (miR‐320a + pc3.0), miR‐320a mimics plus the CPEB1 overexpression vector (miR‐320a + pc3.0 + CPEB1). G. 143B and U2OS cells were cotransfected with miR‐320a inhibitor and its negative control (In‐NC), and miR‐320a inhibitor plus the siRNA against CPEB1 (In‐ miR‐320a + siCPEB1). The expression of CPEB1 was detected using qRT‐PCR. H‐K. The cells transfected as in (F and G) were used for transwell assays. L and M MTT assays were performed with the cells transfected as in (F and G). The experiments were independently repeated three times. (*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001)