3D-SIM Analysis of MukBEF Axial Cores
(A–C) Representative SIM images of increased MukBEF occupancy (IO) in (A) MatP+ with ori1 and ter3, (B) MatP+ with L3 and R3, and (C) ΔmatP with ori1 and ter3 cells. 3D-SIM images were projected onto 2D for visualization. Scale bars: 1 μm.
(D) Distribution of axial core contour lengths (n = 986, ± SEM) measured from IO-ΔmatP cells.
(E) Distribution of linear axial core lengths (n = 971, ± SEM) measured from IO cells.
(F) Distribution of MukBEF axial core thicknesses (n = 6,657). The peak is at 132 nm. Red line denotes the resolution of SIM. For all panels, prior to imaging, cells were treated with serine hydroxamate to prevent replication initiation. Data from 3 repeats.
(G) Schematic of MukBEF axial core dimensions.