Table 1.
Studies evaluating the effects of anti‐TNFα treatment on arterial stiffness in patients with CID
Reference |
CID | Study design | Outcome measures and results |
11 | 35 RA, PsA or AS | 35 patients given either etanercept, adalimumab or infliximab. 25 patients delayed anti‐TNFα treatment (controls). Measurements at baseline and 3 months. |
1. cfPWV decreased significantly in anti‐TNF group but remained unchanged in control group after 3 months (P = .002). 2. AIX remained unchanged in both groups. |
12 | 17 RA, PsA or AS | Patients treated with infliximab for 12 months. Measurements taken before every infliximab infusion and thereafter every 10th day until their next infusion. No controls. |
1. cfPWV did not change after infliximab treatment. 2. AIX did not change after infliximab treatment. |
13 | 41 RA, PsA or AS | Either etanercept, adalimumab or infliximab administered for 1 year to 41 patients compared to a nontreatment group (19 patients). |
1. cfPWV improved in treatment group vs. controls (P = .004). 2. No difference in AIX or AIX@75. |
14 | 14 psoriasis | Patients received adalimumab for 12 weeks. No controls. | 1. Adalimumab therapy had no effect on cfPWV. |
15 | 34 AS | Cross‐sectional study comparing 34 AS patients on anti‐TNFα, 33 treated with NSAIDs and 34 healthy controls. |
1. cfPWV significantly lower in healthy controls compared to AS patients (P = .004). 2. No significant difference in cfPWV between AS treatment groups. |
16 | 15 RA | Cross‐sectional study comparing 15 patients on infliximab with 73 RA patients on other therapy and 87 healthy controls. |
1. bPWV reduced in infliximab group (P = .004) vs. controls. 2. AIX remained unchanged post‐infliximab therapy vs. controls. |
17 | 26 RA | 21 treated with MTX, 26 treated with etanercept. Follow‐up at 2 and 4 months. | 1. AIX@75 significantly improved in etanercept group at 2 and 4 months (P = .025). No change in MTX group. |
18 | 21 psoriasis | 21 psoriasis patients randomised to receive either etanercept 20 mg SC twice weekly or placebo for 12 weeks (n not specified). cfPWV and AIX measured at baseline, 12 and 24 weeks. | 1. No significant change in cfPWV or AIX at 12 or 24 weeks. |
19 | 50 psoriasis | 150 patients randomised to either ustekinumab (n = 50), cyclosporine (n = 50) or etanercept (n = 50). cfPWV and AIX measured at baseline and 16 weeks. | 1. No significant change in cfPWV or AIX at 16 weeks. |
20 | 28 RA | Patients treated with etanercept for 6 mo and compared with 20 RA controls on standard DMARD therapy. Measurements at 3 and 6 months. | 1. No significant change in cfPWV at 6 months. |
21 | 28 AS | Treated with anti‐TNFα as per ASAS guidelines. cfPWV and AIX measured at baseline, 24 weeks and 2 years. No controls. | 1. No significant change in cfPWV or AIX at 24 weeks or 2 years. |
22 | 8 RA | RA patients received 40 mg subcutaneous adalimumab every 2 weeks. Measurements taken up to week 24. | 1. No significant change in cfPWV at week 24. |
23 | 15 RA | RA subjects received inflixmab infusions at 0, 2 and 6 weeks at 3 mg kg–1 with measurements taken at each infusion. No controls. | 1. cfPWV remained unchanged. |
24 | 42 RA | Patients were randomly assigned to receive either tocilizumab (n = 22), etanercept (n = 21) or adalimumab (n = 21) for 24 weeks.. | 1. AIX@75 significantly improved after anti‐TNFα therapy at wk 24 vs. baseline (P < .05). |
25 | 9 RA | Patients received etanercept and were assessed at weeks 0, 4 and 12 after therapy onset. No controls. |
1. AIX % did not change 2. bPWV did not change 3. cfPWV significantly reduced at weeks 4 and 12 (P = .0003). |
26 | 17 RA | Patients assessed before and after 8 weeks of etanercept or adalimumab treatment. No controls. |
1. cfPWV significantly reduced post‐treatment (P = .04). 2. bPWV showed a trend to improve post‐treatment (P = .06). |
27 | 18 AS | Treatment with either infliximab, etanercept or adalimumab. Measurements taken at baseline and week 14. No controls. | 1. AIX remained unchanged post–anti‐TNFα treatment. |
28 | 49 AS | Received either etanercept, infliximab or adalimumab. Measurements taken at 0, 24 and 52 weeks. No controls. |
1. AIX did not improve post‐treatment. 2. cfPWV did not improve post‐treatment. |
29 | 20 RA, 7 AS, 5 PsA | 32 CID patients treated with anti‐TNFα for 6 months and compared with 8 RA controls. Measurements taken at baseline and 3 months. | 1. Significant decrease in aPWV (as measured by CMR) at 3 months in treatment group (P < .001). |
30 | 17 RA and 13 AS | Patients received infliximab infusions at weeks 0, 2 and 6 at 3 mg kg–1 in RA and 5 mg kg–1 in AS. No controls. | 1. AIX significantly increased collectively (P = .03) and in RA group (P = .01). |
31 | 29 psoriasis | Patients treated with 40 mg SC adalimumab 2 weekly for 6 months. No controls. | 1. Significant improvement in cfPWV at 6 months (P = .003). |
32 | 20 RA | Patients randomly assigned to receive either MTX alone (n = 20) or MTX and infliximab (n = 20). All patients followed up at 6 months and some up to 12 months. |
1. cfPWV improved in MTX group vs. infliximab and MTX (P = .044) after 6 months, but did not remain significant at 12 months. 2. No change in AIX@75 at 6 or 12 months. |
33 | 20 AS | Randomized double blinded RCT comparing golimumab at 50 mg mo–1 (n = 20) vs. placebo (n = 21) for 12 months in AS patients. Most placebo patients switched to golimumab at 6 months (n = 17). |
1. No significant difference in bPWV or AIX between placebo and treatment groups at 6 or 12 months. 2. Greater progression in bPWV in placebo group at 6 months (P = .028). |
34 | 14 RA | Either etanercept, adalimumab or infliximab for 6 weeks. No controls. | 1. No change in AIX |
35 | 18 RA | Patients treated with adalimumab 40 mg SC 2 weekly for 12 weeks, compared to controls receiving methotrexate. Measurements at baseline and 12 weeks. | 1. Significant decrease in cfPWV at 12 weeks (P = .0006) in treatment group only. No change in AIX. |
36 | 26 RA | Administration of infliximab for 56 weeks. No controls. |
1. cfPWV reduced significantly over 56 weeks (P = .004). 2. AIX did not change post‐therapy. |
37 | 11 IBD | 11 IBD patients treated with anti‐TNFα, compared to 14 matched controls treated with salicylates, 11 with DMARDS and 30 healthy matched controls. Measurements taken at baseline and follow up, mean duration 3.4 years. |
1. No change in cfPWV in anti‐TNFα group at follow up, compared to significant increase in salicylate treated group and healthy controls. 2. No change in AIX. |
CID: chronic inflammatory disease; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; PsA: psoriatic arthritis; AS: ankylosing spondilitis; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; anti‐TNFα: anti‐tumour necrosis factor α; PWV: pulse wave velocity; aPWV: aortic PWV; bPWV: brachial PWV; cfPWV: carotid–femoral PWV; AIX: augmentation index; AIX@75: augmentation index adjusted for 75 beats min–1; ASAS: Association of SpondyloArthritis international Society.