Table 1.
Challenge | Experimental data needs | Serosurveillance data needs | Proposed model refinements |
1) Disease‐associated mortality | Time between infection and death for individuals that do not survive; proportion that do not survive | Samples from dead animals (record estimated time of death; test sample for target pathogen) |
Incorporate censoring in within‐host model, g (δ, θ). Use experimental infection data to predict: (1) time between infection and death, (2) time between infection and a particular antibody titre, in a censoring framework. |
2) Assay detection and quantitation |
A. Sensitivity (false negative) and specificity (false positive) rates B. Titre variation from assay error |
A. Incorporate assay error through the threshold of detection parameter (y*). B. Incorporate antibody kinetics error (ε term in y = g (δ ϕ, θ)+ ε) |
3) Biased sampling design | Covariate data including behaviour, social group, spatial location or date (depending on system knowledge) | Incorporate spatial/temporal autocorrelation or other covariate information into probability determining state classification (as susceptible or seropositive). | |
4) Endemic dynamics and/or high individual‐level variation | Measure effects of covariates on titre variation (e.g. age, sex, time of year, indicators of stress, pathological signs distinguishing route of exposure, other immune factors, co‐infections, reproductive status, etc. = COVARIATE DATA) |
Relevant COVARIATE DATA, x A. Repeated sampling over time of randomly sampled individuals B. Repeated sampling over time of the same individuals (e.g. Borremans et al. 2016) (Note: B requires substantially more effort than A) |
A. Use model Supporting Information 4 (systematic sampling model); adapt within‐host model, g (δ, θ, x), to include covariate data x such that some variation in kinetics is parsed out by the individual‐level covariate data. B. Incorporate individual‐level correlation, i.e. modify y 2j model to include a covariance matrix describing all times individual j was sampled, y 2j ~ N (g(δj, θ, x j), ∑j, where ∑ accounts for correlation among observations for individual j |
5) Anamnestic response | Anamnestic responses for multiple time points and COVARIATE DATA concurrently | COVARIATE DATA distinguishing titres in primary infections from anamnestic responses (see main text) | Similar to (4A): include different within‐host functions, g (δ, θ, x), for different types of responses (primary infection vs. anamnestic response). |
6) Multiple strains (cross‐immunity; co‐infection) | Antibody responses to multiple strains in primary and cross‐infections (e.g. primary A and B, B after A, A after B) | Strain‐specific serosurveillance data | Similar to (4A): different within‐host functions, g (δ, θ, x), for each strain and cross‐reaction. |
7) Contact structure | Population‐level data describing host contact structure (e.g. average number of individuals making contact) | Modify contact structure function in FOI derivation (currently proportional: newly infected/susceptibles) to reflect the true relationship of the number of susceptibles contacting newly infected hosts. | |
8) Complex antibody response (i.e. chronic or acute disease; recurrent antibody production due to latent infections) | Long‐term antibody titres and covariate data quantifying pathological signs, immune factors, external stressors or pathogen loads that distinguish chronic from acute infections, or initial infection from later stages | COVARIATE DATA as determined in experimental infections |
If different stages/types of antibody responses can be informed by covariate data, modify model as in 4A: g (δ, θ, x), to include covariate data x Incorporate appropriate antibody response function by modifying g in g (δ, θ, x) |
Shading indicates effort: low (white), medium (light grey), high (dark grey). Data needs are in addition to current data needs (antibody kinetics in experimental studies and cross‐sectional serosurveillance data).
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