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. 2017 Jun 29;12(1):107–117. doi: 10.1007/s40653-017-0167-7

Table 2.

Findings of Saudi studies on physical child abuse

Author and date Types of abuse Exposure (more than 2 events) incidence Abuser Consequences
Al-Saud 2000

92% physical abuse (100% of sample)

8% missing data

39% No data No data
Ashul 2003

69% physical abuse

(100% of sample)

31% missing data


21% mothers

13% fathers

25% parents

4% other relatives

No data
Al-Zahrani 2004

54% physical abuse

(100% of sample)

46% missing data

50% No data No data
Al-Zahrani 2005

13% physical abuse

27% neglect

22.8% emotional abuse

(100% of sample)

38% missing data


8% mothers

29.5% fathers

No data
Al-Ayed et al. (1998)

30% physical abuse

30% neglect

23% sexual abuse

7% Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy

No data No data 7% fatality
Elkerdany et al. 1999 100% physical abuse No data No data No data
Karthikeyan et al. 2000

66.66% physical abuse

33.33% Sexual abuse

No data No data No data
Alanazi 2008 No data No data No data No data
Al Eissaa and Almuneef, 2011

76% physical abuse

24% missing data

No data 48.9% parents 7.9% fatality
Al-Buhairan et al. 2011 22% of school professionals were aware of Convention on the Rights of the Child No data No data No data
Al-Yousif et al. 2005 No data No data No data No data
Council of Health Services, 2010

60% physical abuse

15.4% sexual abuse

4.6% shaken baby syndrome

2.6% Munchausen by proxy

(100% of this sample)

18% missing data

No data 77.4% of cases were not known 2% fatality
Council of Health Services, 2011

64.4% physical abuse

12.3% emotional abuse

22% sexual abuse

(100% of this sample)

1.3% missing data

No data No data 1.9% fatality
Council of Health Services, 2012

73% physical abuse

27% sexual and emotional abuse

No data No data No data
Almuneef et al. 2014 No data 32% No data

22% risky health behaviour

12% sex out-of-wedlock

5% alcohol consumption

4% use of illicit drugs

17% anxiety

9% depression

6% other mental illnesses

8% of participants reported having had suicidal thoughts