The best concatenated RAxML maximum likelihood tree derived from Dataset A using 3191 partitions of each protein-coding gene and 6,527,596 bp (lnL = 24,850,884.943687). The phylogenetic relationships of Delphininae are shown more clearly in the box on the left. All concatenated RAxML and Bayesian analyses using Dataset A retrieved the same topology. All nodes have 100% BS values (RAxML) or 1.0 PP (Exabayes) with the exception of the numbered nodes represented by red dots. These nodes have BS values and PP shown in the table in the upper left. The ASTRAL species tree topology only differed from the concatenated topology at three nodes shown in blue. Taxa in bold are those with data derived from previously existing genomes, transcriptomes, or GenBank sequences. Illustrations are by Carl Buell and represent (top to bottom) T. truncatus (common bottlenose dolphin), Feresa attenuata (pygmy killer whale), L. albirostris (white-beaked dolphin), Inia geoffrensis (Amazon river dolphin), Mesoplodon layardii (strap-toothed whale), Kogia sima (dwarf sperm whale), B. bonaerensis (Antarctic minke whale), and B. taurus (domestic cow).