Fig. 1.
Male, 48 years, transverse thin-section CT scan. (a) 4 days after the onset of initial symptoms (stage-1): subpleural GGO (arrow) in the right lower lobe. (b) 8 days after the onset of initial symptoms (stage-2): more severe lesions with GGO and crazy-paving pattern (arrow) in the right lower lobe. (c) 12 days after the onset of initial symptoms (stage-3): again increased severity of GGO and crazy-paving pattern (white arrow) in the right lower lobe, and GGO (black arrow) also appeared in the left lower lobe. (d) 18 days after the onset of initial symptoms (stage-4): The predominant pattern of abnormality was consolidation (thick white arrow), accompanied by a small GGO (thin black arrow) in both lower lobes. (e) 26 days after the onset of initial symptoms (stage-5): the extent of the lesions was reduced with consolidation (thick white arrow) and linear opacities (thin black arrow) in the right lower lobe, and crazy-paving pattern (thick white arrow) and linear opacities (thin black arrow) in the left lower lobe. (f) 38 days after the onset of initial symptoms (stage-6): There was no significant change in the extent and composition of lesions compared with the directly prior CT result, with consolidation (thick white arrow) and linear opacities (thin black arrow) in the right lower lobe, and crazy-paving pattern (thick white arrow) and linear opacities (thin black arrow) in the left lower lobe.