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. 2020 Mar 23;117(15):8524–8531. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920875117

Table 1.

Abbreviations of behavioral components analyzed in this study

Abbreviation Component
Chromatic behaviors
 BPD Bilaterally pale and dark
 CS Countershaded
 D Dark
 DAS Dark arm stripes
 DA Dark arms
 DDP Dark dorsal patch
 DEC Dark eye circle
 DFE Dark fin edges
 DFP Dark fin patch
 DF Dark fins
 DH Dark head
 DK Dark keels
 DLS Dark lateral stripes
 DMB Dark mantle base
 ICS Inverse countershaded
 M Mottle
 P Pale
 PAT Pale arm tips
 PE Pale eyes
 PFE Pale fin edges
 PF Pale fins
 PK Pale keels
 PLS Pale lateral stripes
 PT Pale tentacles
 PVS Pale ventral shield
 PVST Pale ventral stripe
 S Sandy
 SE Shaded eye
Postural behaviors
 AS Arm strike
 DAA Dorsal arm arch
 LATK Loose arm tips keeled
 PH Prey handling
 SATK Stiff arm tips keeled
 SG Strike glide
 TS Tentacle strike
 TTK Trailing tentacles keeled
Locomotor behaviors
 BG Back glide
 BJ Back jet
 BS Back swim
 FG Forward glide
 FS Forward swim