(A) Cluster frequency analysis depicting the percentage of cells at each time point that contributed to each cluster. (B) Scatterplots showing the expression of cell lineage markers, including DCX (neurons), S100B (mature astrocytes), GFAP (astroglia/astrocytes), DLX1 (interneurons), and OLIG1 (oligodendrocyte precursors) at 12, 18, and 24 wk time points. Note the general neuronal marker DCX, which is expressed similarly across the time points, was used as a reference. (C) Astrocyte in 24-wk-old hCOs. Localization of GFAP (radial glia and astrocytes) and SOX2 (radial glia) in hCOs at 24 wk of age, co-stained with DAPI, was visualized by immunofluorescence microscopy. Scale Bar = 50 μm. CP, choroid plexus; GLY, glycolytic signature; IN, interneurons; IPC, intermediate progenitor cells; oRG/astro, outer radial glial cells/astroglia; proRG, proliferative radial glial; RG, radial glial cells; RP, ribosomal protein.