Impact of VasH on strain incompatibility in vivo. (A) Representative image of a squid light organ showing colonized crypts outlined with a dashed line. Crypts were scored as being positive for YFP, CFP, or both YFP and CFP, as shown in boxes below the micrograph. Crypts are labeled I, II, or III on each side of the light organ. A cocolonized crypt (CFP+ YFP+) is highlighted by arrows. Strains used in this experiment were ES114, FQ-A001, and KRG005 (FQ-A001 ΔvasH). (B) Colonization states of colonized crypts for all animals exposed to the inoculum mixed with the indicated strains. White boxes indicate putative crypts that were not colonized. Each row represents an animal, and each box represents a potential crypt within that animal’s light organ. (C) Number of crypts exhibiting both YFP and CFP signal (YFP+ CFP+) per squid shown in panel B. Each symbol represents one animal within the indicated group. Differences between groups were determined by Mann-Whitney statistical analysis; ****, P < 0.0001. Results are from a representative trial of an experiment performed twice.