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. 2007 Mar 5;67(3):661–670. doi: 10.1002/prot.21336

Table I.

Statistics of Data Collection and Structure Refinement

Complex with maltose Complex with 1 → 6α‐mannobiose
Data collection
 Space group P212121 C2
 Cell parameters a = 34.82 Å, a = 139.4 Å,
b = 53.26 Å, b = 34.23 Å,
c = 118.5 Å; c = 55.11 Å;
α = β = γ = 90° α = 90°; β = 110.5°; γ = 90°
 Molecules/a.u. 2 2
 Resolution (Å) 30–1.5 30–2.0
 Total reflections 584200 266987
 Unique reflections 35264 15194
 Completeness (%)b 99.9 (99.3) 90.4 (45.4)
 Avg. I 35.38 (3.3) 15.03 (1.45)
R merge (%)c 6.9 (44.6) 10.1 (34.2)
Refinement statistics
R (%)d 15.39 17.83
R free (%)e 18.54 24.25
 Rms deviations bond lengths (Å) 0.021 0.021
 Rms deviations angles (degrees) 1.96 1.97
 Pdb code 2hyr 2hyq

aThe number of unique reflections is given first with Friedel pairs unmerged, and after merging in parentheses.


The values in parentheses relate to the highest resolution shell.


R merge = Σ|I − 〈I〉|/ΣI, where I is the observed intensity, and 〈I〉 is the average intensity obtained from multiple observations of symmetry‐related reflections after rejections.


R = Σ||Fo | − |Fc ||/Σ|Fo |, where F o and F c are the observed and calculated structure factors, respectively.


R free = defined by Brünger 22