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. 2020 Feb 6;10(2):10. doi: 10.3390/bios10020010

Table 2.

Electrochemical nucleic acid-based biosensing methods reported since 2017 for the determination of food allergens and adulterants.

Electrode Methodology Target Allergen/Adulterant (Food) Detection Technique Linear Range LOD Sample Steps */Assay Time Ref.
SPCE Sandwich hybridization assay involving biotinylated DNA Cp and Dp implemented on the surface of Strep-MBs and coupled to Express-PCR (100 bp-amplicon) Cor a 9 (Hazelnut) Amperometry (H2O2/HQ) 0.0024–0.75 nM (synthetic target DNA) 0.72 pM (synthetic target DNA) 20 pg gDNA extracted from hazelnut hazelnut varieties and other species of similar families (pistachio, cashew, walnut and tangerine) 1/15 min starting from bCp-Strep-MBs [36]
SPCE Indirect competitive approach between a biotinylated peptide (b-Pep) immobilized onto Strep-SPCE and gluten proteins for a defined concentration of biotinylated Gli4 aptamer further labeling with Strep-HRP Gliadin (Gluten) Chronoamperometry (H2O2/TMB) 1–100 μg L−1 (four-parameter logistic equation) 0.113 μg L−1 Gliadin (< >380 μg kg−1 gluten) Food samples (Fixamyl, Rolled oats, Fit Snack) 2/60 min starting from b-Pep-Strep-SPCE [16]
SPCE Sandwich hybridization assay involving a b-RNACp and a RNADp implemented on the surface of Strep-MBs and recognition of the RNA/DNA heterohybrids with AbRNA/DNA further conjugated with an HRP-secondary antibody Sola l 7 (Tomato) Amperometry (H2O2/HQ) 0.8–50 pM (synthetic target) 0.2 pM (synthetic target) Tomato and corn (100 ng extracted gDNA) 2/1.5 h starting from b-RNACp-Strep-MBs [57]
AuNPs-modified Au-SPE Direct aptasensing approach at AuNPs-Au-SPE modified with a SH-Aptamer Lysozyme CV ([Fe(CN)6]3-) 1–10 μg mL−1 0.32 μg mL−1 Wines 1/1 h starting from SH-Aptamer-AuNPs-Au-SPE [33]
SPCE Indirect competitive approach between a biotinylated peptide (b-Pep) immobilized onto Strep-MBs and gluten proteins for a defined concentration of biotinylated Gli1 aptamer further labeling with Strep-HRP Gliadin (Gluten) Chronoamperometry (H2O2/TMB) - - - 2/60 min starting from b-Pep-Strep-MBs [34]
SPCE Direct hybridization assay at b-RNACp-Strep-MBs and and recognition of the RNA/DNA heterohybrids with AbRNA/DNA further conjugated with ProtA-polyHRP40 Specific fragment of horse mitochondrial DNA D-loop region (Meat) Amperomety (H2O2/HQ) 0.39–75 pM 0.12 pM (synthetic target DNA) Beef meat spiked with horse meat 2/1 h 30 min starting from b-RNACp-Strep-MBs [37]
Au disk(2-mm) E-DNA based on a MB-modified thiolated DNA (Signal-off) Melamine (Milk) SWV (MB) - 150 μM(~19 ppm) in buffered solutions,20 μM (~2.5 ppm) in whole milk Milk Continuous, real-time mesurements in flowing samples [35]

AuNPs: gold nanoparticles; b: biotin; Cp: capture probe; Dp: detector probe; HQ: hydroquinone; HRP: horseradish peroxidase; LSV: linear square voltammetry; MB: methylene blue; MBs: magnetic beads; Pep: peptide; SPCE: screen-printed carbon electrodes; Strep: streptavidin; SWV: square wave voltammetry; TMB: 3,3′,5,5′-Tetramethylbenzidine. * Number of steps involved in the determination other than detection and sample preparation.