Figure 2.
Effects of the compound OI on the cell cycle progression in cancer cells. (a) Quantitative analysis of the percentage of cells arrested in different phases of the cell cycle was indicated. Immunoblot and densitometric analyses of several controlling proteins of the G1/S phase transition in MCF-7 (b) and HeLa (c,d) treated cells. GAPDH was used as a loading control. Histograms represent means ± SD of three different experiments in which band intensities were assessed as optical density arbitrary units (OD), and expressed as fold change vs. control samples (CTRL). It is noteworthy that OI treatment impairs the G1/S transition of both cancer cell lines. * p value < 0.05; ** p value < 0.01; *** p value < 0.001; **** p value < 0.0001.