High risk procedures, alternatives, and precautions |
Limit opportunities for exposure: Limit aerosol generating procedures & limit number of HCWs present |
Effective use of time during patient contact |
How to ‘gown’ and ‘degown’ without contamination |
Emphasis on importance of vigilance and adherence to all infection control precautions |
Emphasis on importance of monitoring own health |
Dissemination of information on SARS and other prevailing infections as they evolve |
Personal protection equipment (PPE)
N95 respirator/surgical mask for airborne/droplet precautions |
Contact precautions: Disposable gloves, gown, cap |
Eye protection with non‐reusable goggles and face‐shield |
Powered air purification respirators (PAPR) may be used when performing high‐risk procedures (1, 2) |
Pens, paper, other personal items and medical records should not be allowed into or removed from the room |
Immediate removal of grossly contaminated PPE and showering in nearby facility |
Conform to CDC recommendations for environmental control of tuberculosis: Minimum 6 air change per hour (ACH). Where feasible, increase to 3 12 ACH or recirculate air through HEPA filter |
Preferred: Negative pressure isolation rooms with antechambers, with doors closed at all times |
Equipment should not be shared among patients |
Alcohol‐based hand and equipment disinfectants |
Gloves, gowns, masks and disposal units should be readily available |
Careful and frequent cleaning of surfaces with disposable cloths and alcohol‐based detergents |
Use of video camera equipment or windows to monitor patients |
Avoid patient transport where possible: Balance risks and benefits of investigations which necessitate patient transport |
Special precautions for ICU
Viral/bacterial filter placed in expiratory port of bag‐valve mask |
Two filters per ventilator: Between expiratory port and the ventilator, and another on the exhalation outlet of the ventilator |
Closed‐system in‐line suctioning of endotracheal/tracheostomy tubes (Fig. 2a) |
Heat and moisture exchanger (HME) preferred to heated humidifier: Careful handling of contaminated HME required (Fig. 2a) |
Scavenger system for exhalation port of ventilator (e.g. Servo Evac 180, Fig. 2b): Optional if negative pressure with high air change (>12/h) is achieved |
Preoxygenate patient and temporarily switch off machine when ventilator circuit disconnection required (e.g. change of ventilator tubings, HME, etc.) |