Extent | |
A | None |
B | Less than 25% of the lung substance involved |
C | 25–50% of the lung affected |
D | More than 50% of the lung diseased |
Severitya | |
0 | No appreciable peribronchiolar fibrosis, or fibrosis confined to the bronchiolar walls |
1b | Fibrosis confined to the walls of respiratory bronchioles and the first tier of adjacent alveoli |
2b | Extension of fibrosis to involve alveolar ducts and/or two or more tiers of alveoli adjacent to the respiratory bronchiole, with sparing of at least some alveoli between adjacent bronchioles |
3 | Fibrotic thickening of the walls of all alveoli between at least two adjacent respiratory bronchioles |
4 | Honeycomb change |
An average score is obtained for an individual case by adding the scores for each slide (0–4), then dividing by the number of slides examined
Grade 1 and, to a lesser extent, grade 2 need to be distinguished from smoking-induced peribronchiolar fibrosis and mixed-dust pneumoconiosis.