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. 2020 Mar 29;10(3):e033521. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033521

Table 4.


Domain Outcomes Instrument used Data source Timing of measurement
Surrogate decision-maker outcome
Measures of communication and decision quality Quality of communication (QOC) QOC Scale* Survey 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Patient-centredness of care Patient perception of patient centredness (PPPC)† scale, modified for use by surrogates. The Survey 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Decisional regret Decisional Regret Scale (DRS)‡ Survey 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Psychological symptoms burden Anxiety and depression Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score (HADS)§ Survey 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Post-traumatic stress Impact of Events Scale (IES)¶ Survey 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Healthcare costs
Payer perspective Index hospitalisation cost Hospital billing records Postdischarge
Postdischarge healthcare utilisation Hospital billing records, medical records and surrogate interview 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Hospital readmission rates Surrogate 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Hospital perspective Index hospitalisation costs UPMC health systems’ Computerised cost accounting system Postdischarge
ICU and hospital length of stay Registration data, chart abstraction Postdischarge
Intervention costs Administrative records of cost of training and follow-up (salary costs, training, costs, and costs to supervise and deploy the intervention) Postdischarge
Patient-centred outcomes
Discharge disposition (including in hospital mortality) Registration data, chart abstraction Postdischarge
Functional status at 6 months Katz ADL** Surrogate 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Living situation at 6 months 6-month follow-up with surrogates 6-month follow-up from enrolment
All-cause 6-month mortality Hospital records, 6-month follow-up with surrogates and the National Death Index 6-month follow-up from enrolment
Clinician outcomes
Clinician burn-out Maslach Burn-out Inventory†† Bedside nurses caring for patients enrolled in the study Baseline, 6 months after randomisation
Process measures
Frequency of multidisciplinary communication Chart abstraction Postdischarge
Palliative care and ethics consultations Chart abstraction Postdischarge
Social work involvement Chart abstraction Postdischarge
Pastoral care involvement Chart abstraction Postdischarge
Incidence and timing of life support decisions Chart abstraction Postdischarge

*QOC is a 13-item scale measuring QOC with good internal consistency (alpha=0.94), strong evidence of reliability and validity45 46 and established responsiveness to change.

†PPPC is a 12-item instrument that measures the patient-centredness of care and has demonstrated validity and reliability when used by surrogates. (Cronbach’s α=0.71)50 A recent systematic review found the PPPC to be one of two best instruments to measure this construct.51

‡DRS is a 5-item assessment of ‘distress or remorse after healthcare decisions.’ It has high internal consistency and convergent validity.69

§HADS is a 14-item assessment with subscales for anxiety and depression. Each domain has a score range of 0–21 with the following interpretation: 0–7 normal, 8–10 borderline abnormal and 11–21, abnormal.

¶IES is a 15-item tool measuring total stress (score range of 0–75) with subscales for intrusiveness (score range 0–35) and avoidance (score range 0–40). Total stress score is interpreted as follows: 0–8 subclinical range, 9–25 mild range, 26–43 moderate range, and 44+severe range. A score of ≥30 indicates a high risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. The IES is a valid, reliable and responsive 15-item instrument measuring symptoms of avoidance and intrusive thoughts.59 It has been successfully used among ICU surrogates.22 27

**Katz ADL.

††Maslach Burnout Inventory is a validated, widely used measure of clinician burnout.70–72