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. 2019 Jul 9;54(2):125–131. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaz028

Table 2.

Weighted and adjusteda prevalence (% and 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) of ≥1 sunburns in past 12 months for U.S. adults for walking categoriesb and selected covariates, National Health Interview Survey, 2015

Women Men
Adjusted, ≥1 sunburns
% (95% CI)
p Adjusted, ≥1 sunburns
% (95% CI)
Walking .32 .02
 Not walking more than 10 min 35.2 (33.1–37.2) 34.1 (32.2–36.1)c
 Transportation only 37.7 (34.5–41.0) 37.3 (34.3–40.4)
 Leisure only 35.0 (33.1–36.9) 36.0 (33.9–38.2)
 Both purposes 36.8 (34.5–39.1) 38.8 (36.5–41.2)c
Age group <.0001 <.0001
 18–24 52.1 (47.7–56.4) 49.9 (45.8–54.0)
 25–34 47.6 (44.9–50.3) 46.9 (44.3–49.6)
 35–44 43.6 (41.0–46.2) 43.1 (40.2–46.1)
 45–64 30.6 (28.8–32.5) 32.2 (30.4–34.0)
 ≥65 13.1 (11.0–15.5) 14.2 (12.4–16.4)
Race/ethnicity <.0001 <.0001
 White, non-Hispanic 41.4 (39.7–43.1) 42.3 (40.5–44.2)
 Black, non-Hispanic 14.7 (12.6–17.0) 9.0 (7.1–11.3)
 Hispanic 30.5 (27.7–33.4) 29.5 (26.3–32.9)
 Other, non-Hispanic 25.5 (21.9–29.4) 26.1 (22.3–30.4)
Physical activity leveld .02 .0001
 Inactive 33.0 (30.7–35.3) 31.1 (28.6–33.7)
 Insufficiently active 36.3 (34.2–38.6) 37.8 (35.3–40.3)
 Sufficiently active 38.0 (35.7–40.4) 37.2 (34.8–39.7)
 Highly active 36.0 (34.1–37.9) 37.9 (35.9–40.0)
Skin reaction after 2 weeks in sun <.0001 <.0001
 Very dark tan 30.9 (27.8–34.1) 33.9 (30.9–37.1)
 Moderate tan 35.7 (33.6–37.8) 36.1 (34.2–38.2)
 Mild tan 35.0 (33.1–37.0) 34.8 (32.8–36.9)
 Burn repeatedly or
42.5 (40.3–44.8) 44.8 (41.9–47.8)
 Do not go out in the sun 20.9 (17.1–25.4) 20.5 (15.8–26.3)
Regular sun avoidancee .0003 .001
 Yes 33.4 (31.7–35.1) 33.4 (31.2–35.7)
 No 37.5 (35.9–39.1) 37.3 (35.8–38.8)
Regular sun protective clothing usef .17 .47
 Yes 34.6 (32.6–36.6) 36.6 (34.7–38.5)
 No 36.1 (34.8–37.5) 35.8 (34.2–37.5)
Regular sunscreen use (SPF15+)g .0001 <.0001
 Yes 37.9 (36.3–39.6) 41.2 (38.8–43.7)
 No 33.7 (32.1–35.3) 34.4 (32.9–35.9)

aCovariates in addition to those listed: education status, marital status, foreign-born status, needs walking assistance, U.S. Census region, obesity or overweight, smoking status, binge drinking, tanning bed use, ever had a skin exam, ever had cancer, family history of melanoma, personal history of melanoma, sunless tanning product use, and health insurance status.

bReported walking categories for at least 10 min in the past 7 days.

cSignificant linear contrast of regression coefficients: F(1, 12,306) = 9.24, p = .003.

dIndividuals were categorized into four activity levels based on the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans: highly active (>300 min/week of light or moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 150 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or an equivalent combination per week [i.e., moderate-intensity equivalent activity]), sufficiently active (150–300 min/week of moderate-intensity equivalent activity), insufficiently active (some activity but less than 150 min/week of moderate-intensity equivalent activity), and inactive (no light to moderate or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for at least 10 min).

eSun avoidance was defined as always or usually staying in the shade or responding not going into the sun for any sun protective question.

fSun protective clothing was defined as always or usually wearing at least one: wide-brimmed hat, long sleeved shirt, or long clothing to the ankles.

gRegular sunscreen use was defined as always or usually using sunscreen with SPF15+ (sun protection factor).