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. 2020 Apr 20;6:10. doi: 10.1038/s41537-020-0099-3

Table 2.

Description of language variables.

Variable Definition/calculation Measures
Articulation rate Syllables/phonation time (Motor) speed in speech production
Average pause duration Total time the participant was pausing in seconds/number of pauses Pauses often reflect formulating or planning language and might therefore reflect processing speed
Average turn duration Average duration of a speaking turn in seconds Average length of an answer, before another question is necessary
Percentage of time speaking Time participant speaking/time interviewer speaking × 100 Might reflect spontaneity in speech or willingness to speak
Mean length of utterance (MLU) Mean length of utterance in morphemes Sentence complexity. Greater length indicates more complex sentences
Type-token ratio (TTR) # types/# tokens Lexical diversity. Types: the number of different words used in the sample. Tokens: all words in the sample. This number goes from 0.001 to 1.0. Low values indicate a lot of repetition, high values means each word in the sample was different. High TTR indicates fewer syntactical structures
Clauses per utterance Average number of clauses per utterances Grammatical complexity. More clauses per utterance indicate more syntactical complex sentences
Noun–verb ratio # nouns/# verbs Number of nouns per verbs. Might reflect specific difficulty with either nouns or verbs
Open-closed ratio # open class words/# closed class words Content words versus function words. Open class: content words. Word class accepts new members easily. Closed class: function words. Word class does not easily accept new members. Might reflect specific difficulty with either content or function words
Disfluencies # of disfluencies/# all words Difficulties formulating sentences. All forms of disfluencies, including filled pauses and retracing as a percentage of all words
Pause to word ratio # pauses/# all words Indication of processing speed. Measures how many pauses are needed to formulate one word