Fig. 2. Secretome analysis of MDM subtypes by LC-MS/MS.
Serum-free conditioned media of m1-MDM (induced by LPS+IFNγ), m2c-MDM (induced by IL-10), and asc-MDM (induced by ascites) from the same 5 donors tested for stimulation of tumor cell migration in Fig. 1 were analyzed by mass spectrometry-based proteomics. a Pie chart showing the distribution of proteins present selectively in the medium from asc-MDM and m2c-MDM versus m1-MDM (orange), asc-MDM and m1-MDM versus m2c-MDM (pink), and asc-MDM versus m1-MDM and m2c-MDM (red). Numbers (n) refer to the identified polypeptides (feature_ids in Table S1); arrows point to the number of annotated genes that could be associated with the identified polypeptides. The respective genes (or gene functions) are listed in the colored boxes. b Dot plot showing protein levels individually (log2 LFQ values measured by LC-MS/MS) for MDM from the same donors as in Fig. 1. Arrows indicate the following selectivities: asc & alt: asc-MDM and m2c-MDM versus m1-MDM (orange in a); asc & inf: higher level found with asc-MDM and m1-MDM versus m2c-MDM (pink in a); asc: asc-MDM versus m1-MDM and m2c-MDM (red in a); inf: m1-MDM versus asc-MDM and m2c-MDM; alt: m2c-MDM versus m1-MDM and m2c-MDM. The table at the bottom shows p values (paired t test) for the relevant comparisons. Green: p < 0.05; gray p ≥ 0.05.