Figure 3.
Improved relaxivity of gadolinium‐loaded carbon nanomaterials. (A) T1‐weighted MRI of Gd@C82 (OH)40 and the Gd‐DTPA phantom illustrate that with an equivalent concentration of gadolinium and the gadofullerenes, the latter had the strongest signal. Reprinted with permission from,12 copyright 2001 American Chemical Society. (B) T1‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phantoms of Gd3+n@US‐tubes and Magnevist™ at the same concentration; pure water is also shown. Reprinted with permission from,48 copyright 2017, the Electrochemical Society. (C) MR images of nanodiamond samples. 1, water; 2, nanodiamonds; 3, nanodiamonds + coupling reagents. Gadonanodiamonds at different concentrations of gadolinium: 4, 48 μmol/L Gd(III); 5, 38 μmol/L Gd(III); 6, 22 μmol/L Gd(III); 7, 10 μmol/L Gd(III); 8, 5 μmol/L Gd(III). Reprinted with permission from,37 copyright 2010 American Chemical Society. (D) T1‐weighted MR images of pure water and gadographene solutions at various concentrations. Reprinted with permission from,31 copyright 2018 Elsevier Ltd