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. 2020 Apr 14;11:271. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00271

Table 1.

Demographic and criminological characteristics among the female prisoners (n=2,703).

Variables Categories Numbers Percentages (%)
Education a
Low 999 37.0
Medium 1,510 55.9
High 194 7.2
Han 2,453 90.8
Tujia ethnicity 98 3.6
Miao ethnicity 69 2.5
Others 83 3.1
Urban 1,840 68.1
Rural 863 31.9
Unemployed 1,162 43.0
Employed 1,541 57.0
Single 465 17.2
Cohabitation 108 4.0
Married 1,170 43.2
Divorce 702 26.0
Widowed 258 9.5
Low 66 2.5
Medium 1,639 60.6
High 998 36.9
Previous offencec
No 2,520 93.2
Yes 183 6.8
Family drug use history
No 2,497 92.4
Yes 206 7.6
Family alcohol use history
No 982 36.3
Yes 1,721 63.7
Family criminal history
No 2,332 86.1
Yes 377 13.9
Family psychotic diseases history
No 2,540 94.0
Yes 163 6.0
Index Offencec
Violentd 844 31.2
Drug 1,003 37.1
Non-violente 856 31.7
Sentence group c (months)
0–12 33 1.2
13–60 727 26.9
61–120 620 22.9
121–240 589 21.8
lifetime 734 27.2

Education level ≤ 6 years was defined as low, 6 years < education level ≤ 12 years was defined as medium, education level > 12 years or college was defined as high.


Monthly Income ≤ poverty threshold (¥2,300 = $378.9 per person per year in 2013 in China) was defined as low, poverty threshold < monthly income ≤ per capita disposable income (¥23,414 = $3,807 per person per year in 2013 in Hunan) was defined as medium, monthly income > per capital disposable income was defined as high.


Based on self-report.


Violent offence includes homicide, assault, robbery, abduction, and arson.


Non-violent offence includes theft, fraud, bribery, etc.