Fig. 5.
Multiple alignments of the two Crinivirus specific-proteins. (A) The p9-like proteins. (B) The p26-like proteins. Identical residues in all four proteins are shown in red, while those in two or three proteins are shown in blue. BPYV, Beet pseudoyellows virus (Tzanetakis and Martin, 2004); PYVV, Potato yellow vein virus (Liveratos et al., 2004); SPaV, Strawberry pallidosis associated virus (Tzanetakis et al., 2005b). Nucleotide accession numbers were as follows: BPYV, NC005209; PYVV, NC006063 and NC006061; SpaV, NC005896; CYSDV, see Fig. 3. Graphic representation of the alignments was done using Vector NTI program (Invitrogen).