Fig 2. Haploview generated graphical representation of LD in MYH3 variants identified among ASD patients.
Twelve SNPs spanning from position 17:10655059 to 17:10631643 were grouped into one block consisting of rs2285477 (c.3574G>A), rs2285474 (c.2952T>C) and rs2285473 (c.2926-12A>G) according to the LD structure. Length of the block is provided in kilobases (kb), and pairwise LD (D′) is given for each SNP combination (showed in box). The color code in the haploview plot follows the standard color scheme for haploview: white, |D′|<1, LOD<2; shades of pink, |D′|<1, LOD≥2; blue, | D′| = 1, LOD<2; red, |D′| = 1, LOD≥2.