Figure 6. Both dsx and fru specify the sexual dimorphism of P1a neurons.
(A–D) Expression of CsChrimson:tdTomato under the control of P1a-GAL4 (red in A1–D1, black in A2,3-D2,3) in brains of a male (A), fruM female (B), fruF male (C), and female (D) is visualized together with a neuropil marker BRP (blue) by immunohistochemistry. Circle: soma (right cluster is enlarged in A3 and C3), red asterisk: sex-invariant background labeling (see Materials and methods for details). Scale bar: 100 μm (A1–D1), 10 μm (A3, C3). (E) Mean number of cell bodies per hemibrain visualized by anti-DsRed antibody in each genotype represented in A–D) and Figure 6—figure supplement 1A–D. (F, G) Z-projection of the registered and averaged images of CsChrimson:tdTomato expression under the control of P1a-GAL4 in male (F) and fruF male (G). A part of the standard Drosophila brain is shown in gray in F2, G2. Number of hemibrains used are indicated in F2) and G2). Lateral junction (cyan) and dorsal posterior projection (yellow) are segmented and overlaid in F2) and G2. H, I. Boxplot of volumes of lateral junction (H) and dorsal posterior projection (I). Genotypes and number of hemibrains are indicated below the plot. **p<0.01, n.s. p>0.05 (Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Mann-Whitney U-test).