(A) Re-analyzed t-SNE plot of VNC data without the 10,000 UMI high cut-off. Neuropeptide (NP) enriched cluster and Proctolin expressing motor neuron (Proc+ MN) cluster are highlighted. (B) t-SNE of the number of UMI. Color is scaled from 10,000 to 20,000 UMI. Most cells with greater than 10,000 UMI are in the NP cluster or the Proc+ MN cluster. (C) Violin plot showing the number of UMI per cell without 10,000 UMI filtering cut-off in the whole VNC data set (all clusters) compared to the NP cluster. Dashed lines represent the low cut-off of 1,200 UMI and the now removed cut-off of 10,000 UMI. (D) Box plots representing number of UMI per cell of all expressed neuropeptide genes across the whole VNC data set without the 10,000 UMI filtering cut-off. Multiple NP genes exceed the expression level of 10,000 UMI. (E) t-SNE plots of the NP cluster showing the spatial distribution of the number of expressed genes (nGene), number of transcripts (nUMI) and proportion of transcripts that are mitochondrial (prop.mito). (F, G) Expression of neuropeptide processing enzymes (F) and multiple neuropeptide genes (G) in t-SNE of NP cluster. Intensity of red is proportional to the log-normalized expression level.