Figure 1.
(A) Amine, Carboxyl, and PEG- modified particle effective diffusivity (Deff) on 21do, 5do, NEC-stressed (N-S), NEC-stressed and orally dosed with LYS (N-S-LYS), and NEC-stressed and orally dosed with DHA (N-S-DHA) tissue, at a time scale of τ = 1 sec. Data are presented as the average of at least 300 particles and error bars represent standard error of the mean of all tracked particles. ANOVA was used to determine significance between groups at *p < 0.05. (B) Representative particle trajectories that were used to calculate Deff. Scale bar: 10 µm. (C) Particle motion type was characterized as immobile (α: 0–0.2), subdiffusive (α: 0.2–0.8), or diffusive (α: 0.8–1.0) by fitting the log-log MSD plot to find the anomalous exponent, α. Data are presented as the average of at least 300 particles and error bars represent standard deviation of all tracked particles. ANOVA was used to determine significance at *p < 0.05 compared to immobile carboxyl- modified particles on 21do, #p < 0.05 compared to subdiffusive carboxyl- modified particles on 21do, ^p < 0.05 compared to diffusive carboxyl- modified particles on 21do.