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. 2020 Apr 15;8:260. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00260

Table 2.

Mean F1-score for each individual participant depending on each preprocessing method and machine-learning classifier.

GRF filtering Time derivative Time normalization Data reduction Weight normalization Machine-learning classifier
No Yes GRF ΔtGRF 11 101 1001 TC TD PCA No Yes SVM RFC MLP CNN
S01 38.3 42.0 41.4 39.0 34.9 42.4 43.2 40.2 25.7 54.5 39.9 40.4 46.4 45.0 36.3 32.9
S02 24.5 29.4 27.9 26.0 23.2 28.4 29.2 24.5 20.6 35.7 27.2 26.7 30.0 30.7 23.9 23.2
S03 36.9 43.5 40.6 39.8 36.1 44.3 40.2 40.9 27.6 52.1 40.1 40.3 44.8 43.9 38.2 33.9
S04 42.9 50.0 48.2 45.1 41.5 48.8 49.5 48.8 36.5 53.6 45.9 47.3 51.4 56.2 42.0 36.8
S05 49.9 50.2 52.0 48.1 47.1 51.1 52.0 50.2 36.5 63.6 49.6 50.6 56.7 56.2 45.5 41.9
S06 38.4 39.8 39.3 38.9 32.0 42.3 43.2 38.9 28.0 49.8 39.3 38.9 42.8 44.6 38.2 30.8
S07 31.5 40.5 35.4 36.7 30.5 40.0 37.6 34.6 28.7 44.8 36.2 35.9 39.2 41.7 32.8 30.3
S08 42.7 49.0 46.4 45.4 41.4 49.0 47.0 47.3 38.2 51.8 45.7 46.0 49.0 52.1 44.9 37.6
S09 43.2 47.2 46.1 44.3 39.1 49.8 46.7 43.5 34.0 58.1 45.3 45.1 51.2 49.7 41.2 38.7
S10 41.3 40.3 41.2 40.4 34.2 44.1 44.1 44.4 27.5 50.5 40.5 41.1 43.8 43.2 42.2 33.9
S11 38.5 40.7 42.5 36.7 35.3 42.8 40.8 42.0 27.6 49.3 39.5 39.7 44.0 45.1 35.2 34.2
S12 34.1 31.9 36.2 29.8 27.9 35.4 35.7 35.3 22.9 40.9 33.5 32.6 36.7 34.9 34.1 26.3
S13 31.7 34.5 34.4 31.8 28.6 36.9 33.8 32.5 27.8 39.0 32.8 33.4 36.9 36.6 31.2 27.6
S14 33.9 34.0 38.1 29.8 28.3 37.3 36.2 35.7 24.4 41.7 34.1 33.8 36.3 35.4 35.7 28.3
S15 39.9 45.3 46.8 38.4 36.8 46.7 44.2 42.5 31.2 54.0 42.8 42.3 48.7 46.2 39.5 35.8
S16 32.0 32.9 32.9 31.9 27.5 34.5 35.3 33.8 23.3 40.2 32.7 32.2 34.3 34.6 34.6 26.3
S17 29.3 30.0 31.7 27.6 22.6 33.4 32.6 30.0 21.7 36.9 29.7 29.7 33.0 31.5 29.4 24.8
S18 24.4 26.9 25.6 25.8 22.8 27.0 27.3 28.3 17.9 30.9 25.7 25.7 27.6 26.7 27.5 21.0
S19 27.3 28.7 31.5 24.5 25.0 29.4 29.5 26.8 22.7 34.5 27.9 28.0 31.0 30.6 25.5 24.8
S20 29.3 34.0 32.4 31.0 26.6 33.7 34.7 31.9 25.7 37.4 31.8 31.6 34.4 36.3 30.0 26.2
S21 27.7 29.6 30.9 26.4 25.4 30.8 29.7 28.1 22.4 35.2 28.6 28.8 31.2 33.1 26.4 24.0
S22 32.3 33.6 36.4 29.5 28.6 34.5 35.7 34.1 24.2 40.5 33.2 32.7 33.6 35.3 35.6 27.2
S23 31.7 35.0 34.6 32.1 28.5 35.0 36.5 33.8 25.6 40.7 33.1 33.6 34.9 39.0 32.8 26.6
S24 35.4 43.3 40.1 38.6 33.9 41.3 42.9 39.7 32.1 46.3 39.7 39.1 42.8 43.8 39.2 31.6
S25 34.7 41.9 39.3 37.4 34.7 41.6 38.7 37.1 33.0 44.8 38.3 38.4 40.2 43.8 36.8 32.5
S26 47.6 49.9 53.6 43.8 42.3 51.3 52.5 52.2 41.7 52.1 48.5 48.9 52.9 56.3 47.0 38.6
S27 31.5 31.8 30.4 32.8 26.5 34.2 34.2 33.6 24.6 36.7 31.6 31.6 32.8 35.2 31.5 27.0
S28 35.9 45.5 41.9 39.4 33.5 45.1 43.5 43.0 29.9 49.2 40.9 40.5 43.5 43.9 42.3 33.0
S29 32.2 36.1 33.1 35.2 30.1 36.5 35.8 36.3 22.6 43.6 34.5 33.9 36.8 35.7 36.0 28.1
S30 31.1 33.1 35.4 28.9 28.3 32.6 35.4 35.1 21.6 39.0 31.9 32.3 33.4 37.1 32.5 25.4
S31 51.3 53.7 54.5 50.5 44.5 56.0 57.0 58.6 36.6 62.2 52.4 52.5 56.8 58.3 53.5 41.3
S32 43.0 45.9 47.4 41.5 38.6 46.0 48.7 49.5 31.1 52.7 44.7 44.2 47.9 50.3 44.0 35.5
S33 35.7 41.4 39.7 37.4 32.1 40.4 43.1 41.6 23.5 50.3 38.2 38.9 42.7 41.6 39.2 30.7
S34 49.8 51.8 53.8 47.8 44.5 53.2 54.7 52.1 39.0 61.4 50.7 50.9 54.1 57.5 51.3 40.4
S35 38.4 45.4 45.3 38.8 35.1 45.5 45.5 45.6 25.7 53.7 42.2 41.8 45.8 47.7 42.2 32.2
S36 36.9 39.3 41.0 35.3 32.9 40.7 40.7 39.5 29.8 45.1 37.9 38.3 41.2 43.1 36.8 31.3
S37 30.9 33.7 35.8 28.9 27.7 33.5 35.8 33.8 20.3 42.9 32.2 32.5 35.3 33.3 34.3 26.4
S38 35.1 38.2 39.0 34.3 30.9 38.7 40.3 37.8 26.5 45.6 36.7 36.6 39.5 40.9 37.1 29.1
S39 41.6 43.2 46.1 38.7 39.0 43.1 45.1 47.4 28.1 51.7 42.4 42.4 44.3 48.6 42.8 33.9
S40 41.4 48.9 48.8 41.5 37.1 47.9 50.4 48.1 30.3 56.9 45.1 45.2 48.9 50.5 46.8 34.4
S41 38.4 43.2 43.9 37.6 34.7 42.9 44.7 44.4 28.1 49.7 40.6 41.0 42.6 48.3 40.5 31.7
S42 27.2 29.4 31.3 25.4 25.5 28.2 31.4 29.7 21.6 33.0 28.3 28.3 29.2 31.4 28.3 24.3
M 36.2 39.6 39.8 36.0 32.8 40.4 40.6 39.4 27.8 46.5 37.9 37.9 41.2 42.3 37.3 31.0
SD 6.7 7.3 7.3 6.8 6.3 7.3 7.3 7.8 5.6 8.3 6.8 7.0 7.8 8.3 6.8 5.3

The mean precision and mean recall (= accuracy) scores for each individual participant depending on each preprocessing method and machine-learning classifier can be found in Supplementary Tables S1, S2.

Each mean value combines all combinations of preprocessing steps where the preprocessing method was part of (n = 42).