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. 2020 Apr 15;10:430. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00430

Table 2.

The association between levels of LDH and neutrophil and clinicopathological characteristics in patients with ESCC.

Characteristics LDH (U/L) Neutrophil (109/L)
≦220 >220 χ2 /t p ≦4.5 >4.5 χ2 /t p
Age (years) 0.637 0.425 2.2812 0.131
≦65y 187 (53.9) 111 (50.5) 123 (49) 175 (55.4)
>65y 160 (46.1) 109 (49.5) 128 (51) 141 (44.6)
Gender 0.190 0.663 10.231 0.001
Female 92 (26.5) 62 (28.2) 85 (33.9) 69 (21.8)
Male 255 (73.5) 158 (71.8) 166 (66.1) 247 (78.2)
Location 1.919 0.589 2.172 0.538
Cervical 19 (5.5) 18 (8.2) 13 (5.2) 24 (7.6)
Upper thoracic 79 (22.8) 46 (20.9) 60 (23.9) 65 (20.6)
Middle thoracic 205 (59.1) 131 (59.5) 146 (58.2) 190 (59.3)
Lower thoracic 44 (12.7) 25 (11.4) 32 (12.7) 37 (12.2)
T stage 2.166 0.539 35.330 < 0.001
T1 6 (1.7) 3 (1.4) 5 (2.0) 4 (1.3)
T2 95 (27.4) 57 (25.9) 90 (35.9) 62 (19.6)
T3 82 (23.6) 64 (29.1) 75 (29.9) 71 (22.5)
T4 164 (47.3) 96 (43.6) 81 (32.3) 179 (56.6)
N stage 4.635 0.031 5.525 0.019
N0 83 (23.9) 36 (16.4) 64 (25.8) 55 (28.7)
N1 264 (76.1) 184 (83.6) 187 (74.2) 261 (71.3)
TNM stage 0.004 0.952 17.822 < 0.001
I+II 146 (42.1) 92 (19.4) 130 (51.8) 108 (34.2)
III+IV 201 (57.9) 128 (45.2) 121 (48.2) 208 (65.8)
NLR 0.920 0.337 59.839 < 0.001
≦3.25 239 (68.9) 143 (65.0) 212 (84.5) 170 (53.8)
>3.25 108 (31.1) 77 (35.0) 39 (15.5) 146 (46.2)