Figure 1.
Experimental paradigm, effect of O/P treatment on lung SeV burden and correlation between SeV burden and mouse survival. (a) Illustration of the experimental paradigm with O/P administered by aerosol a few days before or after SeV challenge, lung SeV burden assessed 5 days after challenge and development of an asthma phenotype assessed 49 days after challenge. (b) Lung SeV burden measured by qRT‐PCR 5 days after mice were challenged with SeV, with or without treatment 1 day earlier with O/P (boxes show median and interquartile range, whiskers show 10th and 90th percentiles; **P < .01 for [SeV+, O/P+] versus [SeV+, O/P−] by Mann–Whitney U test; N = 24 mice per group pooled from four experiments). (c) Various SeV inocula were administered to determine the correlation between lung SeV burden and mouse survival (N = 4 mice per group in a representative experiment performed five times)