Figure 8.
Visual responses following rehabilitation of hemianopia with crossmodal stimuli in functional, but not physical, concordance. This animal received multisensory training with V at 45° and A at 75°, a physically disparate configuration that normally produces multisensory enhancement in single SC neurons and in tests of overt orientation behaviors. The bar graph plots % correct orientation responses in 320 trials after 7 weeks of multisensory training. Complete recovery was present at all tested locations in the contralesional hemifield, and performance was equally robust in both hemifields. The line graph shows that, as in the spatiotemporal concordant training paradigm (see Fig. 7), the onset of visual recovery was first evident at central locations and then at progressively more peripheral locations. NG = No Go trials. *P < 0.01, n.s. = nonsignificant. Conventions are the same as in previous figures.