Figure 5.
Transection of the ION decreases oscillatory coupling between S1-BF and Hipp CA1 in a state-dependent manner. (A) Experimental timeline and illustration depicting ION transections in a P8 rat. (B) Mean (+SE) time spent in AS (top) and whisker twitching rates (bottom) in the Sham (n = 6 pups, blue) and Cut (n = 6 pups, orange) experimental groups. n.s: not significant. (C) Left: Mean LFP-LFP coherence spectra between S1-BF and Hipp CA1 during AS in the Sham (n = 6 pups, 6 LFP pairs; blue line) and Cut (n = 6 pups, 6 LFP pairs; orange line) groups. Shaded area indicates SE. Right: Mean (+ SE) LFP-LFP coherence values across frequency bands in the Sham (blue) and Cut (orange) groups. (D) Same as in (C) but for post-twitch activity during AS (post-twitch window: 500 ms). (E) Same as in (C) but for AW. ( f ) Same as in (C) but for BQ.