Fig. 3.
ET-1-induced scratching is not affected by mMCP5 deficiency. aCpa3-/- mice (n = 10) are deficient in both CPA3 and mMCP5, and had more frequent scratching bouts in 60 min than wild-type controls (WT, n = 10) when injected with ET-1 (20 pmol). bCpa3-/- mice also spent more time scratching during the 60 min. c No difference was seen between genotypes in the mean length of scratching episodes. d When the frequency results from (a) were analyzed over time, it was seen that Cpa3-/- mice scratched significantly more than controls overall (indicated by vertical significance bar), and post hoc analysis showed a significant difference in the interval between 20 and 30 min. e, f Visual comparison of the total frequency of scratching episodes and scratching frequency development over time, between Cpa3-/- mice (data from (a)), Cpa3Y356L,E378A mice (Cpa3Y3, data from Fig. 2e) and Mcpt4-/-Mcpt6-/-Cpa3-/- mice (data from Fig. 2a). The two CPA3-deficient mouse lines follow a similar scratching pattern and magnitude, while the Mcpt4-/-Mcpt6-/-Cpa3-/- mice demonstrate more exaggerated behavior. Results are presented as mean ± SEM. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001, Student’s t test (a-c), 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparison (d)