Fig. 2.
Analysis of sample covariates. a Pearson correlation coefficients for each pair of variables are shown in correlograms. Sizes of the circles in the upper triangular of the correlograms are proportional to the Pearson correlation coefficient, with color indicating positive (blue) or negative (red) coefficients. The precise values for the Pearson coefficients are indicated in the lower triangular. Non-significant pairwise correlations (p ≥ 0.05) are represented with a cross. b Heatmaps showing the association between the sample variables with the first 5 principal components of the gene expression. Only significant p-values (p < 0.05) are shown (linear regression F-test). c Cell type estimates based on MGPs for the main cortical cell types controlling for all the experimental variables except disease status (i.e. sex, age, PMI, RIN, and sequencing batch). P-values calculated with Wilcoxon tests. PW = ParkWest cohort; NBB = Netherlands Brain Bank cohort