Figure 1.
GPCR depletion enrichment (DE) index data as derived from our simulations. (A) Boxplot shows the DE index values for all GPCRs combined. We have grouped lipids according to their headgroup type into GM, PC, PE, PI, PA, PS, SM, PIP, and CHOL lipids, and for each lipid group, we show the three quartile values of the distribution. Data points that fall within a 1.5 interquartile range of the upper and lower quartiles are included in the “whiskers” of the boxplot. Data points that fall outside of this range are plotted individually. (B) DE index values for a selection of GPCRs (error bars are ± SD) are shown. The selection is based on increasing DE index values for PIP lipids. For clarity, if two or more GPCRs show the same range of values, only one is chosen. The full data set is available in the Supporting Materials and Methods. (C) DE index data as a function of cutoff radii from A2ARi are shown (error bars are ± SD). The black line in (A–C) corresponds to DE index of 1. (D) Shown is a snapshot of our system setup at 25 μs with proteins, GM lipids, and cholesterol shown in yellow, red, and green, respectively. To see this figure in color, go online.