Figure 5.
Pairs categorized into different subsets based on gender, frequency of contact and distance of separation. The coefficients α (basal value of call duration), β (strength of the dependence of the duration of the succeeding call on the logarithm of the inter-call gap) and (strength of the dependence, when both the duration and the gap are scaled by their respective averages) resulting from regression fits when pairs in (set of regular contacts) are categorized into different subsets. A broad distinction into four groups (as indicated on the top of the columns) is done based on whether for a given pair the distance between the most common locations () is less or greater than (i.e., geographically ‘close’ or ‘distant’, respectively) with being the spatial extension of large cities; and whether average gap () is less or greater than (i.e., communication is ‘frequent’ or ‘infrequent’) with being the most probable inter-call gap. A finer classification is made based on the gender of the individuals as indicated along the horizontal axis. Pairs are chosen irrespective of their age. The dashed line is a guide to the eye. (See Additional file 1 for values without gender classification.)