Extinction probability p0 versus the ratio with biostatic or biocidal antimicrobial, for different carrying capacities K, either in the small-period regime, with T = 102.5 (A and B) or in the large-period regime, with T = 105 (C). Markers: simulation results, calculated over 103 realizations. Vertical dashed lines: predicted extinction thresholds, i.e. values of such that T/2 = τS (A and B) or (C). Solid lines (C): Analytical estimates of p0 from Eq 1 (biostatic) or Eq 4 (biocidal). For K = 102 and 103, the analytical predictions in the biostatic and biocidal case are confounded, while for K = 104 we used two shades of green to show the slight difference (light: biostatic, dark: biocidal). Parameter values: μ1 = 10−5, μ2 = 10−3, fS = 1, fR = 0.9, fC = 1, gS = gR = gC = 0.1, and (biostatic) or (biocidal). All simulations start with 10 S microorganisms.