Mass spectra of phosphorylated peptides of: phosducin 72–82 peptide MSVQEYELIHK [Uniprot F1MSE1]; GRK1 480–491 peptide NIQDVGAFSTVK [Uniprot
P28327]; and rhodopsin 326–348 peptide NPLGDDEASTTVSKTETSQVAPA [Uniprot
P02699]. For each peptide, the peak area of the precursor peptide ion was extracted and plotted for each sample. Samples 1–3 are dark-adapted retinas; 4–6 light-exposed retinas (biological replicates). Light/dark log2 fold-change values were: phosducin S73 (
−1.39; p=0.01); GRK1 S488/T489 (
2.70; p=0.08); Rhodopsin T336 (
2.49; p=0); and Rhodopsin T340/T342 (
5.53; p=0).