Tp63 is involved in ozone‐mediated KC cell differentiation in vitro. A and B, the protein levels of Tp63 were examined in blank, IMQ, IMQ + Vehicle and IMQ + Ozone groups by IHC staining (A) and immunoblotting (B). C and D, The protein levels of Tp63 were examined in normal skin samples and psoriasis lesions with or without the ozone therapy by IHC staining (C) and immunoblotting (D). E and F, KCs were stimulated with IL‐22 and examined for the mRNA expression (F) and protein levels of Tp63 (E) with or without ozone treatment. G, ChIP assays were performed in 293T cells with anti‐Tp63 antibody to validate the binding of Tp63 to KRT10 promoter region. H, Luciferase reporter assays were performed in 293T cells to validate the effects of Tp63 on KRT10 transcription activity. I and J, KCs were transfected with si‐Tp63 in the presence or absence of ozone treatment and examined for the mRNA expression and protein levels of Tp63 and KRT10 by real‐time PCR (I) and immunoblotting (J). *P < .05, **P < .01, compared to the control group; #
P < .05, ##
P < .01, compared to the non‐treated group