Table 1. Definition of 26 Direct and Indirect Factors Associated With Child Anthropometric Failures Identified From a Comprehensive Review of Conceptual Framework and Prior Studies.
Factor | Definition | Reference category | Self-reported |
Dietary diversity score9 | In quintiles, based on a score ranging from 0 to 8, with a point assigned for consuming grains, roots and tubers, legumes and nuts, dairy products (ie, milk, yogurt, cheese), flesh foods (ie, meat, fish, poultry, and liver or organ meats), eggs, vitamin-A rich fruits, and vegetables as per the 24-hour recall of food intake in the DHS; 1 indicates poor dietary diversity; 2, relatively poor; 3, middle; 4, relatively rich; 5, rich dietary diversity | Rich dietary diversity | Yes |
Breastfeeding initiation9 | In the 2 following categories: (1) initiation of breastfeeding within 1 h of birth and (2) initiation of breastfeeding >1 h of birth, defined as delayed breastfeeding | Breastfeeding initiation <1 h of birth | Yes |
Full vaccination29 | Yes if the child received a Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination against tuberculosis; 3 doses of diptheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine; ≥3 doses of polio vaccine; and 1 dose of measles vaccine; no otherwise | Fully vaccinated | Mother’s self-report and vaccination cards |
Vitamin A supplement30 | Yes if the child received vitamin A supplementation; no otherwise | Received vitamin A supplement | No |
Iodized salt30 | Yes if iodized salt is used; no otherwise | Used iodized salt | No |
Infectious disease in past 2 weeks9 | Yes if the child had a history infectious disease (diarrhea, cough, or fever) in the 2 weeks before the survey; no otherwise | No infectious disease in the past 2 weeks | Yes |
Oral rehydration therapy for children diarrhea30 | In the 3 following categories: (1) no diarrhea, (2) diarrhea with oral rehydration therapy, and (3) diarrhea with no oral rehydration therapy | No diarrhea | Yes |
Care seeking for suspected pneumonia30 | In the 3 following categories: (1) no suspected pneumonia, (2) suspected pneumonia and sought for care for it, and (3) suspected pneumonia but did not seek for care for it. | No suspected pneumonia | Yes |
Indoor pollution9 | Low if the household used solid fuels for cooking; high otherwise | Low indoor pollution | Yes |
Household wealth31 | In quintiles, constructed by DHS based on a selected set of household assets; 1 indicates poorest household wealth; 2, poorer; 3, middle; 4, richer; 5, richest household wealth | Richest household wealth | No |
Maternal education32 | In the 4 following categories: (1) no schooling, (2) primary education, (3) secondary education, and (4) ≥college; no schooling was defined as lack of maternal education | ≥College | Yes |
Paternal education32 | In the 4 following categories: (1) no schooling, (2) primary education, (3) secondary education, and (4) ≥college; no schooling was defined as lack of paternal education | ≥College | Yes |
Maternal height33 | In the 5 following categories: (1) <145 cm, (2) 145-149.9 cm, (3) 150-154.9 cm, (4) 155-159.9 cm, and (5) ≥160 cm, with <145 cm defined as short maternal height | ≥160 cm | No |
Maternal BMI34 | In the 3 following categories: (1) <18.5, (2) 18.5-24.9, and (3) ≥25, with <18.5 defined as low maternal BMI | ≥25 | No |
Paternal height9 | In the 5 following categories: (1) <155 cm, (2) 155-159.9 cm, (3) 160-164.9 cm, (4) 165-169.0 cm, and (5) ≥170, with <155 cm defined as short paternal height | ≥170 cm | No |
Paternal BMI34 | In the 3 following categories: (1) <18.5, (2) 18.5-24.9, and (3) ≥25, with <18.5 defined as low paternal BMI | ≥25 | No |
Drinking water source35 | Safe if the household had access to water piped into dwelling, yard, or plot, public tap or standpipe, tube well or borehole, protected well or spring, rain water, and bottled water; unsafe otherwise | Safe water source | Yes |
Sanitary facility35 | Improved if the household had access to flush to piped sewer system, septic tank or pit latrine, ventilated improved pit latrine, pit latrine with slab, and composting toilet; unimproved otherwise | Improved sanitary facility | Yes |
Stool disposal36 | Safe if the child used a toilet or latrine, if fecal matter was put or rinsed into a toilet or latrine or buried; unsafe otherwise | Safe stool disposal | Yes |
Antenatal care30 | In the 3 following categories: (1) ≥8 antenatal care visits, (2) 4-7 antenatal care visits, and (3) <4 antenatal care visits from a skilled provider for the most recent birth | ≥8 antenatal care visits | Yes |
Skilled birth attendant at delivery30 | Yes if a woman delivered the child with skilled birth attendant, including physicians, nurses, and midwives; no otherwise | Delivered the child with skilled birth attendant | Yes |
Family planning need30 | Satisfied if the woman, who was fecund and married or in a union, wishes to stop or delay childbearing or is currently using any modern method of contraception; unsatisfied otherwise | Family planning need satisfied | Yes |
Maternal marriage age30 | In the 2 following categories: (1) married at <18 y and (2) married at ≥18 y, with married at <18 y defined as child marriage | Married at <18 y | Yes |
Woman has health care autonomy30 | Yes if the mother was involved independently or jointly in the decision-making; no if the decision was made by the husband or partner or someone else. | The decision was made by the husband or partner or someone else | Yes |
Woman has movement autonomy30 | Yes if the mother was involved independently or jointly in the decision-making; no if the decision was made by the husband or partner or someone else | The decision was made by the husband or partner or someone else | Yes |
Woman has money autonomy30 | Yes if the mother was involved independently or jointly in the decision-making; no if the decision was made by the husband or partner or someone else. | The decision was made by the husband or partner or someone else | Yes |
Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared).