Changed α-synuclein accumulation in muscle cells of the OW13 strain after OLE and HT treatment. Nematodes from the OW13 strain were subjected to polyphenolic treatments starting from L4 and analysed by fluorescence microscopy using a yellow filter at day 3, 7, and 12 of adulthood. The bars represent the mean fluorescent intensity ± SEM from two biological repeats and the number of tested nematodes were: DMSO control (n A3 = 32, n A7 = 48, n A12 = 38), OLE (n A3 = 28; n A7 = 43, n A12 = 30), water control (n A3 = 47, n A7 = 75, n A12 = 66) and HT (n A3 = 35, n A7 = 39, n A12 = 44). A3, A7, A12: day 3, 7, 12 of adulthood. Differences compared to control were considered significant at p < 0.05 (*) and p < 0.001 (**). In addition, three example pictures from untreated OW13 nematodes visualising the age-dependent fluorescent change are shown (all scale bars = 200 µm).