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. 2020 Apr 10;30:105526. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105526

Table 3.

Structure of data contained in the .csv files inside the ‘dati-regioni’ folder.

Field name Data description Data format
data notification date yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss CET (ISO 8601)
stato country 3-letter code XXX (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
codice_regione region 2-digit code 00 (ISTAT 2019)
denominazione_regione* region name text
lat latitude decimal number (WGS84)
long longitude decimal number (WGS84)
ricoverati_con_sintomi hospitalized patients with symptoms integer number
terapia_intensiva hospitalized patients in intensive care integer number
totale_ospedalizzati total hospitalized patients (hospitalized patients with symptoms + hospitalized patients in intensive care) integer number
isolamento_domiciliare home-confinement patients integer number
totale_attualmente_positivi total amount of currently positive cases (total hospitalized patients + home-confinement patients) integer number
nuovi_attualmente_positivi total amount of new positive cases (total amount of currently positive cases - total amount of positive cases of the previous day) integer number
dimessi_guariti recovered cases integer number
deceduti death integer number
totale_casi total amount of positive cases (total amount of currently positive cases + recovered cases+ death) integer number
tamponi tests performed integer number

denominazione_regione of Trento and Bolzano, which are autonomous provinces, are indicated with “P.A. Trento” and “P.A. Bolzano”, respectively, instead of “Trentino Alto Adige”